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Yoni wand smoky quartz
220.00 CHF - available 17

Yoni wand smoky quartz

220.00 CHF - available 17


Smoky quartz Yoni Wand appears in various shades of brown and black and is associated with the lower chakras, that is, the root and sexual chakra. Here, the smoky quartz best unfolds it's protective and strongly grounding energies.

Especially in stressful times, Smoky Quartz Yoni Wand has a calming effect, so you can cultivate more serenity in your body. On a psychological level, smoky quartz can help alleviate anxiety and melancholy to bring your inner system back into a calm balance. Because smoky quartz absorbs and neutralizes negative energies, it invites you to confidently leave behind everything that no longer serves you. On a mental level, Smoky Quartz is supportive of positive, pragmatic thoughts and can thus help neutralize self-doubt and fear of failure.

Smoky Quartz is excellent as a yoni wand, as the qualities of the crystal strengthen acceptance of the physical body and sexual nature. The increased self-awareness allows the sexual energies in the first and second chakras to flow passionately and freely. Leave old feelings of shame and guilt behind, and open to your lustful, serene and confident naturalness.

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smoky quartz

smoky quartz

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Size: 19.00cm length, 4.00cm width at the end and 2.20cm width at the tip.

Yoni wand smoky quartz

Lucid Moons

Lucid Moons offers women the opportunity to enter into a conscious relationship with themselves and their bodies. This happens through mindful and sensual experiences with yourself.
We support these moments with precious crystals for the female rituals.

To the collection of Lucid Moons
Lucid Moons


CHF 8.00 (Economy), CHF 9.50 (Priority)
Switzerland and Principality of Liechtenstein
Free shipping starting at CHF 150.00
Yoni wand smoky quartz

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Yoni wand smoky quartz

Yoni wand smoky quartz

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