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Shower Gel Private Blend - Saint Charles Manufacture Exquisite Blend
40.00 CHF - available 2

Shower Gel Private Blend - Saint Charles Manufacture Exquisite Blend

40.00 CHF - available 2


Saint Charles Apotehcary shower gel "Private Blend" contains an invigorating composition of essential oils. Comparable to a hike in the mountains, mountain pine and basil dominate the extraordinary fragrance of the private blend. Stimulating to the senses, these are elegantly combined with the tangy fruity notes of grapefruit and juniper. A natural shower for the whole body.

Contains essential oils:

Mountain Pine*: Grows in the extreme heights of the Alps. Soothingly frees the respiratory tract. Smells mild - woody - fresh!
Juniper*: Belongs to the cypress family. Strengthens, calms and increases concentration. Smells spicy, fine, balsamic.
Basil*: Known from cooking, but one of the most important medicinal herbs. Has a mood-lifting, relaxing, sometimes aphrodisiac effect. The scent is strong and intense, balsamic, fresh-sweet, light and spicy.
Grapefruit*: A hybrid of grapefruit and the sweet orange. Has a detoxifying, fat-burning, mentally uplifting effect. Smells fresh, bright and somewhat tart.
* from controlled organic cultivation (kbA).

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Shower Gel Private Blend - Saint Charles Manufacture Exquisite Blend

Saint Charles Apothecary

The pharmacy was founded in 1886 by pharmacist Alfred Blumenthal in Vienna and has been called SAINT CHARLES since 2006.
Together with the COMPLEMENTARY (treatment center) and the HIDEAWAY (cosmetic treatments) SAINT CHARLES offers a world of health next to the natural pharmacy in Vienna and Berlin, following the principles of Traditional European Medicine. The focus is on sustainable and social business with moral and ethical products.
Why all this? Quite simple: the herbs we find on our doorstep can be processed into remedies, used in cosmetics or eaten. mag. pharm. Alexander Ehrmann is the 6th generation pharmacist to continue the tradition of his family.

To the collection of Saint Charles Apothecary
Saint Charles Apothecary


CHF 8.00 (Economy), CHF 9.50 (Priority)
Switzerland and Principality of Liechtenstein
Free shipping starting at CHF 150.00
Shower Gel Private Blend - Saint Charles Manufacture Exquisite Blend

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Shower Gel Private Blend - Saint Charles Manufacture Exquisite Blend

Shower Gel Private Blend - Saint Charles Manufacture Exquisite Blend

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