LouMalou in November

LouMalou in November

That's the thing about cooking and kids. How often do they just wrinkle their noses preventively when you proudly serve up a new creation? With these 5 children's menus, however, the chances are good that you will get off to a strong start. And otherwise perhaps these Spaghetti with a mushroom cream sauce will help. But when nothing helps anymore, we can simply sit in front of the TV with the children cuddling, watching a children's film and finishing off one of these delicious TV snacks or a handful of these energy bites. We were a bit more active on our recent trip to the rope park, where I had less to do. Instead I now read them an Advent story every day and have devoted myself to creating a non-material Advent calendar. And soon when we'll be driving to the mountains, we'll be bringing a completely analog children's entertainment system with us and I can relax and look out of the car and count the Christmas trees.

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