Have you heard of YAMO?

Have you heard of YAMO?

Comfort zone? Is there such a thing in parenthood? Once you have mastered one challenge, the next one is already waiting. As soon as you get used to breastfeeding or giving bottles, time takes a leap and it's time for complementary food. And maybe for many parents there is a big question mark hanging over this in the beginning.

It is no different for the baby. It is already curios and showing interest in the food of the "big ones", but still has to get used to solid food. Initially, a combination of breastfeeding or bottles and complementary food may make sense. because the baby should approach the complementary food slowly and familiarize itself with the consistency and new tastes. But it won't eat much, it will be experimenting. Breastfeeding or giving bottles ensures that the baby still absorbs enough nutrients and gets full. Over time, it will eat more and more purees and less milk. And so the acclimatization to the complementary food happens step by step - at the baby's own pace.

But what type of mash should you start with? Mono purees (consisting only of one ingredient, e.g. carrots) are a good start to get to know individual tastes. It is recommended to stay with the same ingredients for a while until a new taste is introduced so that the baby can get used to it. This also helps determine more precisely what the baby reacts allergically to. Only then should you mix ingredients and even add grain, meat and fish.

The puree should never be seasoned or salt and sugar added. In the refrigerator the home-cooked mash can be kept for about 1 day, but frozen up to 2 months. It is therefore recommended to precook small portions, freeze them and then thaw when necessary.

Tip: Steam the vegetables (or also fruit) instead of boiling in water, to preserve all the nutrients.

For most parents, one thing is certain: the fresher the better. And fresh = cooking yourself, right? What if there was someone who could take over and still guarantee the freshness?

Yamo, a Swiss start-up has cracked the freshness code. With a new gentle technology called HPP, yamo revolutionized the baby food market. HPP makes it possible to preserve the puree without any preservatives and to kill bacteria but preserve the colour and vitamins by means of pressure. Thus, when cooled, the yamo mash has a shelf life of several weeks and tastes homemade. Perfect for on the go, or if you prefer to spend time with your baby instead of cooking mash.

The mash comes in a practical subscription model delivered directly to your home. The delivery is chilled and the subscription can be cancelled at any time. Want to try first? No problem! At https://www.yamo.ch/testpaket you can easily order a free test package (only the shipping has to be paid) and you can enjoy Beetney Spears, Anthony Pumpkins and co.

Fotos: Yamo, @prinzessinmamiiii, @rompersandlipsticks

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