First-aid courses for parents of small children and babies

First‑aid courses for parents of small children and babies

Safety is a good feeling: In the family practice Stadelhofen we try to give you parents this feeling in a small and personal setting with our first aid courses for parents of babies and small children. Dr. Katharina Schwendener, herself a mother of two children and head physician of the intensive care unit of the Children's Hospital Lucerne, uses a 3-hour evening course to teach you the most important rules and steps for the initial care of your child in an emergency and will help you implement them. Through her many years of experience as a pediatrician, she will provide you with important knowledge on the care and treatment of your sick children at home.

Dr. med. Katharina Schwendener, Senior Physician neonatologicaland pediatric intensive care unit, at Lucerne Children's Hospital

10 July 2018 / Evening course from 19.00 to 22.00
or 28 August 2018 / evening course from 19.00 to 22.00

Family practice Stadelhofen, Falkenstrasse 26, CH-8008 Zurich

CHF 120 (individuals), CHF 210 (couples)
To be paid in advance.

Raiffeisenbank, CH-8001 Zurich, IBAN: CH48 8148 7000 0429 5598 1


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