KILUDO, the digital Swiss creative magazine for families!

KILUDO, the digital Swiss creative magazine for families!

Children need structures in this special and challenging time. Nothing is the way it was until a few weeks ago. To support parents and families, KILUDO together with schönegrü has created a great planner set for you. With this set you can make your daily tasks visible and thus get through the daily routine better. The set contains the templates for a daily and weekly plan, an overview for daily thoughts and a collection of ideas which you can use for your long planned leisure time ideas. Beautifully designed by Nina, the templates are a joy to fill in and colour. Download the planner set right here in the KILUDOshop.


Did you already know? KILUDO, the digital Swiss creative magazine for families has just opened its online shop! From now on you will find many creative ideas around the clock for convenient direct download. In the constantly expanding offer you will continue to find the popular yearly and gift subscriptions, but also all the single issues published so far, plus individual craft instructions and templates. Choose the instructions that suit your interests and let the fun begin!

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