Also in 2021 we were able to reduce our footprint!

Also in 2021 we were able to reduce our footprint!

Stadtlandkind has already offset 35,194 KG CO2e

As in the past two years, Stadtlandkind is committed to climate protection and important environmental goals in 2022. We are very pleased to have received the new certificate for "Partner in Climate Protection" from ClimatePartner for the year 2022.

In 2021, we were again able to reduce our footprint from 9,114 kg CO2e to 6,982 kg CO2e by using recyclable packaging material such as the Kickbag, working more in the home office and dispensing with unnecessary packaging material.


"Climate neutral" label for company and website

With climate neutrality, we support the climate protection project Ocean Protection, Plastic Bank, Worldwide. We also support the achievement of the global Sustainable Development Goals, such as the fight against poverty or the improvement of living conditions in emerging and developing countries.

By offsetting our corporate emissions, we commit ourselves to climate protection and underline our commitment to sustainability. The label "climate neutral" as well as our certificate with ID number guarantee transparency: You can track the offsetting of CO2 emissions via the ID and receive information on the climate protection project:

This TÜV-Austria-certified process by ClimatePartner stands for security and credibility in climate protection.


When is a company and website "climate neutral" and what are the criteria for climate protection projects? You can find out all about it in this article.

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